
Despite being close to the coast, the island of Bergeggi is one of the most interesting spots for diving. The wall descends vertically up to 7/8 meters deep: crossed by numerous cracks offers refuge to Anemoni, small crustaceans and Gastropods. It follows a plateau of debris and small rocks where in spring it is frequent the meeting with large Monkfish. After passing some large boulders completely covered with Parazoanthus and colorful sponges, we enter the zone "A" of the AMP and arrive at the deepest and most interesting point of the dive.

Learn more on www.nereosub.com

Single dive

Boat mounts + guide - 40 euro

Boat mounts + air tank + guide - 45 euro

Boat mounts + air tank + gav + dispenser + guide - 75 euro

Boat mounts + complete equipment + guide - 80 euro

Single night dive

Boat mounts + air tank + guide - 50 euro

Double dive

From Monday to Friday - same-day - Boat mounts + air tank + guide - 80 euro

From  Saturday to Sunday - same-day - Boat mounts + air tank + guide - 90 euro


For info and reservations: +39 335 5493097  - nereosub@gmail.com
